Information in English

Opening hours
Exhibition halls will be open
Saturday: 10.00 am - 6:00 pm
Sunday: 10.00 am - 4:00 pm

Travel information by car
Address for your navigation device:
Hessenhallen, 35398 Gießen, An der Hessenhalle 11

Travel by train:
Nearest train station is Gießen Main Station (Hauptbahnhof). Walking distance to the fairground is 900 meters. Bus line no. 24 will bring you from and to the railway station and the fairground.

  • Departure railway station Saturday: 18 and 48 minutes after full hour.
  • Departure railway station Sunday: 30 minutes after full hour.
  • Departure fairground Saturday: every half and full hour.
  • Departure fairground Sunday: Three minutes before full hour.

See also local timetable.


Check your favourite hotel online portal. You will find plenty of hotels in and around Gießen.

You find lots of free of charge parking lots around the venue, see map here

About the exhibition
The event has a new organizer. The previous organizer Michael Schnellenkamp has decided to hand over the (formerly) Busecker Spur Null Tage, which have been taking place in Giessen for several years, to other hands.

Therefore, the organizer is now the company Lenz Elektronik GmbH, supported by Spur Null Magazin. The website is currently being updated and revised - not everything has been updated yet, but this will happen in the next few days and weeks.

Only so much in advance: Essentially, everything will remain as it is, the venue will also remain Messe Gießen. There is no reason to deviate from the proven concept. Everything else will follow as soon as possible. Exhibitors are currently being contacted and the initial outline plan is being drawn up.

Veranstalter und Organisatoren

Die Veranstaltung hat seit 2019 einen neuen Organisator. Der frühere Veranstalter Michael Schnellenkamp hat sich entschlossen, die (ehemals) Busecker Spur Null Tage, die schon seit einigen Jahren in Gießen stattfinden, in andere Hände zu geben.

Veranstalter und Organisator ist jetzt die Firma Lenz Elektronik GmbH, unterstützt durch das Spur Null Magazin.

Seit 2022 präsentieren sich auf den Internationalen Spur 0 +1 Tagen Hersteller und Aussteller der beiden großen Maßstäbe Spur 0 und Spur 1 zusammen einem fachkundigen Pubilkum.